Gode ting tar tid..

I got this tattoo done June of 2011 in Cleveland, OH by a good friend of mine, Ian.   I was going through a difficult time in my life. I would become overwhelmed and stressed just thinking about the future. This tattoo helped me remember that it only takes on step at a time to move forward.  Follow my tumblr: http://emotionally—slutty.tumblr.com

 Du er nede. 
Du reiser deg. Du gjør feil
mens du lever og lærer. 

Du er et menneske,
 derfor er du ikke perfekt.

Du er såret, men du lever.

Tenk for et privilegium det er å leve.

Å puste. Å tenke. Å nyte.

Å omgi deg med det du elsker.

It's a NEW DAY! Inhale positivity, happiness and light. Exhale stress, sadness and fear. Feed your soul with good thoughts and let everything else .... go ☀️

Noen ganger er det sorg på reisen,
 men det er også mye vakkert underveis!

Vi må fortsette å sette
 den ene foten foran den andre selv
 om det gjør vondt.

Vi må gå videre.
 Bort fra det som såret oss og aldri
glemme hva dette lærte oss.

For vi kan
 aldri vite hva som venter.

Rundt neste sving.

( Fritt oversatt fra et engelsk vers jeg fant i notisboken min)

Ground by finding my breath. Take time to sit in stillness and with breath before moving out in to the world. Allow myself to be guided by what is still & true inside me, not pushed by the world. Practice coming back to this breath and stillness, over and over and over again.

Lettering craft 3 Only Human, that’s what... • typostrate - the typography and design blog

2 Corinthians 3:17 ESV   Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Such a good reminder of what we can control and the fact that with God's help regardless of how losy a day it may have been ultimately we decide what we will do with it.

No matter what happens in my outside world, I always remember that I am in control of how I react to and perceive it. I trust in my intuition and guidance from Spirit to always put me in the right place at the right time for my best & highest good. Art ~ Melissa Harris ~ shared from Just Channeling on FB


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